Thursday, February 02, 2006

Breakdown of World Religion

I thought the topic of world religion was interesting, so I researched this topic online. The following website contains a chart showing the breakdown of the world's major religions in according to number of believers.
After reviewing the background and breakdown of the major religions across the world, I descovered a very interesting fact. 3 of the main world religions origionated in the Middle East- Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Perhaps this isn't coincidence, and the basic roots of the religions have ties. On the following web page, there is a map concerning the major religions of each area.
It is curious that each of the three major religions exists in some form in the Middle East today. Although each religion has spread out in some way, the general area in which these 3 major religions exist collide in the Isreal. This is almost undoubtably due to the origin of each religion. The quesiton remains though, are the roots of these religions tied in some way?


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