Monday, February 06, 2006

Forest issues

While reading over chapter 2 tonight I noticed that the world’s nations are definitely too concerned with being the leading nation and not taking enough consideration into what actions they are taking. Also how the actions of today will cause problems for the people of tomorrow. The one idea that really caught my mind and made me actually kind of mad is when it was discussing Japan and the things they do with their resources and how they aren’t doing to much to prevent deforestation. As it said in the book ½ of all tropical forest timber is used in Japan, taking into consideration that Japan has a lot of people living there that is still a lot. Especially considered a lot of it is used for paper and chops sticks. There are much more important things that we could be using that wood for, or not using it at all, and preserving it, but one thing I am sure of is that chop sticks are not a necessary item and maybe they could start to make them out of something more environmental friendly.


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