Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Immigrants in America

After starting to read this third chapter in this book, I became very intrigued by immigration that is happening in our nation. I found some awesome information about immigration, along with some graphs on the Center for Immigration Website. This site has many informational facts about immigration that is happening in our nation today, up until 2005.
Some of the facts that caught my eye is that immigrants account for 12.1% of the total population, this is the highest percentage in eight decades. This is an astonishing number, which is good and bad for our society. Can our society keep up with the immigration trends, or is it to be getting too much? I also found that nearly half of the immigrants that immigrated in 200 are estimated to be illegal aliens. Does this mean we need to have better laws that inforce the stop to illegal immigration? I think this article can answer most of your questions pretty well, when it comes down to it.


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