Saturday, February 04, 2006

Indonesian capital bans smoking in public places

While surfing for news stories I ran across this one. In the article it talks how Jakarta, Indonesia is banning smoking in public places. I feel this is awesome, for I see smoking as disgusting and a huge killer among people. Enforcing this ban I think is very much appropriate, and I feel it should be enforced everywhere. For when people smoke, they are not only killing themselves, but also innocent people as well. Not obeying this law, could have offenders paying around 5,300 dollars or six months in jail. The law, which is aimed to reduce the effects of second-hand smoke, said that establishments can have designated smoking areas, on one condition, that they are completely sealed off. I think smoking should be banned altogether. Obviously they are very serious about this matter, and it should be taken seriously. Second-hand is just as dangerous and deadly as first-hand smoking. Therefore taking these actions is very appropriate.


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