Thursday, February 09, 2006

Starving Polar Bears

The climate change caused by global warming is threatening polar bears with starvation, by shortening their hunting season. The bear's main food consists of ringed seals. However, ice on the hudson bay is thinning and cracking apart earlier and earlier. Therefore, the animals have less time available to hunt. So when they arrive back, they are in poor condition and malnourished. The results are devestating as the animals become more and more thin. Not only that but the mother is giving birth to fewer cubs. "The plight of the Hudson Bay polar bears is a warning that climate change is not something that will happen far off in the future, it's happening now," said Stephanie Tunmore, climate campaigner with green pressure group Greenpeace.
As if news for the bears couldn't get any worse, according to an article in the St.Cloud Times, the animal may be 1st on the endangered species list, due to the warming.
*Check out these sites for more info
Starving Polar Bears
On Thinner Ice


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