Sunday, February 26, 2006

UAE-Ports Review

In past weeks the Bush Administration has been under harsh criticism for wanting to turn United States seaport security at 6 large ports to a foreign United Arab Emirates company. The criticism comes from the company being goveernment run and also because some of the 9/11 hijackers came from the UAE.

Recently, I found an article that said the company has submitted for a second review by the United States government. What this means is that the United States can watch the company's activity real closely over the next few months. It also means that the UAE company will have little control over the US branch. Instead, the United States seaports will be managed by an executive from until May 1. Also, part of the agreement is that the company would leave the United States in control of much of the paperwork. From the article, it sounds like the United States would basically have some control if the deal were to go through, but the UAE company will be getting the profits. It's a controversial issue and many were very opposed to it, but now Peter King, a House rep. from New York is saying that the planned "emergency legislation" to stop the deal that gives security control to the UAE may be held off.

I personally belive that the United States government or a United States firm should be in control of security. It makes little sense for a foreign company, especially one that is government owned, to be in control of the United States seaports. To me it goes beyond security, it's just common sense.


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