Sunday, April 09, 2006

Immigrants Marching St. Paul

This afternoon a rally for immigration took place right in St. Paul. The article mentions that the ralliers chanted "Yes we can" in Spanish in response to their view of unfair legal rights in the United States.

Every day America is faced with the problem of illegal immigration, mainly from Mexico. Some of the worries include importing drugs through the border and also illegal aliens taking away job opportunities from Americans. The article however is talking about legal immigrants. I do believe that if an immigrant of another country comes to the United States and passes all the tests and qualifications for being an American citizen, they should be treated like one; including the receiving of legal rights. I think it is unfair to treat those who have followed the law less than those who were naturally born here and follow the law.

Immigration has always been a part of United States history, but now as globalization has grown, I would predict less immigrants coming to the United States as countries throoughout the world modernize.


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