Saturday, September 23, 2006

The 100-mpg car is coming

On Tuesday the car company Toyota said that they were going to start to offer hybrid cars that have bigger batteries that could be recharged at any outlet. As of now Toyota is the leader in hybrid car production. The prius is the most popular hybrid in the nation as of now. Although the prius currently doesn't have the plug-in battery right now, it doesn't mean that you can't get one.

The plug-in hybrid would mainly function off of the battery. The average American travels between 25-30 miles a day. That would require very minimal amount of gas. Then at night you would just plug in the car. Since electricity is the lowest cost at night, you still aren't spending much more than you would if you had a regular car.

There are a couple of negatives for getting a plug in hybrid. One of them is that you can not buy a plug in hybrid as of right now. First you would have to buy a hybrid such as the Prius. Hybrids are not cheap cars either. So the cost is a bit more. Then you would have violate your warranty on your car. Finally you could go and get the conversion made. Although this could run you any where in between three and twelve thousand dollars.

I think that even though you have to pay quite a bit more than the average car on the market, in the long run you would benefit. You would save money on gas, which would help end the search for oil and using the limited natural resource. In the long run it is better for the earth. Hopefully this will catch on with other car companies other than just Toyota to help make the world more usual and not just use oil.

100-mpg car is coming


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