Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Toxic Ship Dumping Waste into ocean

Estonia caught a toxic ship dumping waste into the ocean around the Ivory Coast. They also believe that they were dumping waste into the baltic sea as well. Total they have killed an estimate of eight people, but thanks to the Estonia police the ship is now impounded. It is belived that thousands of people have been vomiting and are having stomach problems due to this waste. The investigaters found that the chemical waste product was mostly made up of gasoline, water, and soda; which is a by-product of cleaning out the tanker. The people on board have been arrested and fined saying that they won't do it again, but can we really be sure?
This is one of many pollution problems we have in the world today. I believe that the governments around the world need to not only watch what is happening on land, but also watch what is happening to our bodies of water. Each day our oceans are being polluted, and we do what about it? Not to much, from time to time we crack down, and catch a few ship polluting. But we need to watch the open seas, and try to stop the waste being poured into our beautiful bodies or water.


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