Monday, October 30, 2006

First Invisibility Cloak Tested Successfully

There was a new commodity created in society recently. Scientists spoke out about their creation of the first ever invisibility cloak. It works on microwaves and in two dimensions. This cloaks can actually disappear an object. Just think, by placing a cloth over something, and it is as if it's gone, is unbelievable. Technology has been so advanced and impressive. Researchers were able to take electromagnetic waves and grasp them over a specific area and it is able to hide this region. This is possible by materials that use matamaterials. Matamaterials is a human-made item. It is used with metal wires and loops to maintain radiation. Some even consider this process to be magic. I on the other hand, would have never guessed that scientists would ever be able to come up with such an idea. Ever since I've seen Harry Potter, I thought it would be amazing to use one, and with researchers help today, we are able to. The cloaks exceeds every little child's imaginations. If you want to read more about this incredible matter, please visit cloaks.


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