Sunday, February 19, 2006

Why should you learn a foreign language?

The following link contains information from an interview with a man, Edward Trimnell, who wrote a book about the necessity of knowing more than one language. I feel this article is easy to relate to because as high school students many of us only take a foreign language class to get into the right college. However, the business markets and the people immigrating into the Untied States are becoming more and more diverse. This diversity is often complicated with the use of different languages, but if the American people became more educated in different languages the barrier standing between us could be broken. I think that by the time we graduate college the knowledge of a second language will be necessary to find success in the working world. With the use of the internet and the ability to ship products faster the various markets of the world are rapidly coming together. I found this interview to be extremely interesting and caused me to think more about continuing my foreign language studies.


At Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:51:00 PM, Blogger Kevin Hurd said...

I think too that Spanish is very widely used and it is by far the language I've seen in use in society. I think it's extremely important to have the knowledge of a second language. It opens you up to a whole new group of people and could contribute to job success as well. About two months ago at Coborns there was a man who had a broken car on Riverside and came to Coborns speaking only Spanish. I was called to talk with him and we were able to call the police and assist him. Imagine the value of knowing Spanish in this type of situation. I also witnessed two employees in a restaurant speaking Spanish and have seen families in the mall who speak it. I think the Spanish language will continue to be dominant as far as a second language goes, but having some exposure to a different language can indirectly give you exposure to different languages. Imagine how valuable you would be to an employer if you could communicate with a group of people who speak a different language. I think English will continue to be the dominant langua franca as stated in our textbooks, but knowing a second language is valuable for anyone.


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