Monday, March 06, 2006


1. Trivia: What state is the only state that doesn’t have a rectangular flag? *Ohio*

2. Notes: The Caribbean
Caribbean includes 25 countries and dependent territories located on the Caribbean Sea. First Europeans, then the U.S. influenced the region. Plantation agriculture is important. High population densities, environmental problems. Economy based on tourism, offshore banking, manufacturing, and exports.
Isolated proximity: isolation sustains diversity.
Much of the tropical rainforest cover was removed after arrival of Europeans. Haiti’s forests are almost gone. 30% left in Jamaica and Dominican Republic and less in Puerto Rico and Cuba.
Rimland: coastal zone of mainland, from Belize to South America.
Local environmental problems include water contamination and sewage disposal. Urban poor most vulnerable. Only 50% of the Haiti’s population has access to clean water. A problem for public health and tourism.
The Greater Antilles: Four large island of Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico. Lesser Antilles: double are the small islands from Virgin Islands to Trinidad. Rimland States: includes Belize and the Guianas on the South American coast.
Warm all year with abundant rain. Forests and naturally occurring grasslands. Seasonality determined more by rainfall, and less by temperature changes.
Hurricanes: storms with heavy rains and fierce winds. 6-12 moves through the region annually.
86% of the region’s population is concentrated on the 4 islands of the Greater Antilles. Region is currently growing at a rate of 1.3%.
The rise of HIV/AIDS infection rate is more than three times of that of North America.

3. Caribbean political and physical map due on Tuesday.

4. Read pages 108-114 and due packet.

5. Test on Thursday on Chapters 4 and 5.


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