Sunday, March 05, 2006

More E-85 in the Twin Cities

I came across an interesting article this evening that was just a quick news brief about E-85 and how more gas stations in the twin cities will be offering it. I think this type of fuel is interesting because it's a step in the right direction to find alternative sources of fuel. In the future it will soon be necessary to decrease our dependence on Middle Eastern oil because of the tension in that region so we don't find ourselves in real "need" of it in the future if something goes wrong in the country. Globally, it's going to affect both the United States and Middle East in teh future because a lesser dependence means a more upset Middle East, but a better America because we don't need to rely so heavily on a group of countries to provide us high costing oil. A couple points in the article that really caught my attention were that 200 gas stations in Minnesota already pump E-85. I haven't really seen to many, but I do believe the Holiday station in Waite Park by the theater does. E-85 by the way is a mix of gasonline that contains 85% ethanol. Check out the article more to read about these stations getting E-85. The article doesn't really focus on the fuel itself, but it shows how many stations are catching on to this fuel.



At Monday, March 06, 2006 6:41:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Bob Moffitt here (the guy quoted in the article) with more on E85.

See our website, for more info on E85 fuel, the vehicles that can use it (new and used) and the stations in Minnesora. There is even a price forum to find the best prices on E85.

Bob Moffitt
American Lung Association of MN


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