Sunday, March 19, 2006

Meningitis Vaccine in Africa

A new vaccine was recently created in India with funding from Bill Gates and the World Health Organization. It is hoped that it will end "meningitis epidemics that about once a decade sweep a belt of African countries from Senegal to Ethiopia, killing tens of thousands of children and young adults and disabling many more." Meningitis is an infection of the brain lining where in Africa, it can kill a person within a couple of days. It commonly kills people under 30, "an age group that represents the majority of the population in most African countries." It also harms those who live in secluded locations; far from doctors. Luckily, this vaccine has the potential to become extremely beneficial. A great bonus about it is that it can be administered to children as young as 6 weeks! Previous vaccines couldn't compare with that. Plus, it appears to be more safe than those of the past.
I am glad that such a poor and ill stricken countries are improving vaccinations. With modern technology, infections like meningitis can hopefully be attacked.
Check out this website for more...


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