Sunday, March 19, 2006

John of God

I heard about this guy down in Brazil from my aunt. Supposedly, this guy has been healing people for 45 years. My aunt is a big hippie kind of person. She likes all the, "becoming one with the spirits" and meditating stuff. So this John of God really caught her eye. She's seen him at least two times now.
Basically this guy lives in this ranch area in Brazil and heals people, for free too! He says he doesn't do the healing, but all the spirits with in him do. Now a lot of you guys out there might be passing this as BS, which is what I first interpeted it as, but the reason he is so popular, I guess, is that he has never failed to heal someone. Everyone that has come to him walked away feeling 100% oky doky. Though his methods may be a little strange...For example, with some women he takes their breast, cuts a small hole in it, digs his finger in and...TADA! Healed, presto; he seems to maintain a constant reputation. Though it may sound gross, the women who walk away say they've been healed. is this relevant to Geography? Well, this John of God guy has made kind of an inspiration for poor farmers. He's provided hope for tons of Brazilians and is making a culutre impact. What I'm curious about is this may turn out to be like a little replica of the Passion itself. John of God has been arrested numerous times, since he doesn't have a medical degree, and the police have warned him. This guy may end up making some news in Brazil soon. And whether it's big or small, it'll be interesting to see how this effects Brazilians and people abound.


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