Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Oil Reserves of the world

Since the major point of discussion is oil and the amount of it in the world and most of it is. I found a website were it shows what countries have the most barrels of oil in them. For the majority it would be what I would expect but their is a few that surprised. Check this website out.


At Sunday, April 16, 2006 10:01:00 PM, Blogger Kevin Hurd said...

I think I share the same thoughts as Lloyd Christmas in that I would have never thought Canada was the second most oil producer. Sure, I expected to see Saudia Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait, but Canada? I'm very surprised to see Canada listed and also surprised they are listed as #2, meaning they have more barrels than any other country except Saudi Arabia. Maybe we should look to Canada for oil to help reduce dependence on Mid East oil. We should work to improve our fuel systems in the U.S., but it would be nice if we could somehow to look to Canada for help and begin the phaseout of Middle Eastern dependence. It would likely be cheaper and also cause less political mess.


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