Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Al Gore and Global Warming....hmmmm

Well, a new documentary is coming out soon. It's not ragging on politics, or gun companies, or drugs. Nope, it's focusing on the very ground we stand on. And Al Gore is taking the lead! This new movie, called An Inconvenient Truth, is a rallying cry on global warming. Now, I used to think that Global Warming was just a Hippy cry for change, but it seems that this issue is literally getting hotter and hotter by the day. It's difficult, because this will literally, dare I say, CHANGE THE WORLD!
It seems that this whole mess that has built up over the years is not going to be fixed by our elders, but our generation, and the continuing ones after.
Hopefully this movie will open eyes to witness the dark corners of the building smog.

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