Wednesday, September 20, 2006

China Fails to Control

China article

The article i found is about a month old but its still good... The pic is the city of Hong Kong and its Smog. Note that you can barely see the sky.

Anyways, I read this article about China and it not being able to meet its promise to reduce pollution. According to the article both water and air pollution is still on the rise after making a promise to reduce pollution. China's sulfur dioxide emissions have increased 27% from the year 2000, which makes it the worlds top emitter of the pollutant. The sulfur dioxide is mainly from the countries many coal-fired power stations. Water pollution has also raised 3.7%.

China set a goal of reducing pollutants by 10% but have failed to meet that requirement. Due to the increased pollution there has been a lot of acid rain lately that has affected about 1/3 of China's surface area.

I think that the big countries need to actually do something about pollution, not just sit there and make promises that can easily be broken. Something needs to be done before it is too late and some places actually become inhabitable due to pollution.


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