Wednesday, September 27, 2006

New Vaccines

I have just finished reading an article about a new vaccine scientists are testing. It is for ear infections, sinus infections, and bronchitis. It would be used to help prevent ear and sinus infections in children, while it would be used to prevent bronchitis in adults. This would be the first vaccination that wouldn't save lives, but instead try to prevent these illnesses.

I think that this is a very good idea for a few reasons. In the article, it says that 83% of US children that have had an ear infection before the age of three have had hearing problems. By using this new vaccine, I would think that these numbers would go down significantly. I think that this new vaccine would also be a good idea because of the antibiotics people are taking right now. Because these illnesses cause so many people to go to the doctor for antibiotics, overusage of antibiotics is becoming a huge problem. Bacteria are becoming resistant to the drugs we are using now. If this continues, what are we going to do? By having a vaccine that prevents these illnesses all together, we wouldn't have such problems.

What do you think? I would like to hear your opinion on this new idea.
Here is the website link.


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