Thursday, November 23, 2006

Europe's Ecomony

Europe is slowly going out of business. The concerns of Europe have been brought down to two trends: low birth rates and a meager economy. Over the years Europe has contributed to a lot of good things but has also created much destruction. Some of the good things that they have achieved are settling North and South America, inventing modern science, leading the Industrial Revolution and overseeing the slave trade. But on the other hand they have done a lot of damage. They have unleashed two of the world's most destructive wars.

Europe has known to be in power. But since their population is shriveling, it is kind of hard to maintain control. It has been recorded that woman aren't having as many children. The rate is 2.1 children per woman. That isn't nearly as many as they need to continue being successful in their economy. Since the women aren’t producing as many children, the population is getting older. What happens when it is time to retire? Who do you replace them with? The choices you have are the young Europeans or immigrants. These two options are inexperienced and will probably slow down the manufacturing. The older class is so educated in their jobs and since there are a large group of people of age 65 and older, if they all retire at one time, the economy will decrease greatly.

A weak European economy contributes to the reason on why many people are so dependent on the American growth and economy. European's are very critical to the United States. Europe faces a lot more problems within the continent than we do here in America.

After reading this article, I question my knowledge as to Europe having the largest economy. It seems like the America's have developed more and face less problems. With Europe, it seems like they haven't really improved but declined and faces a lot more conflicts between Eastern and Western Europe. What do you think of the economy of Europe? Do you believe it to be good? Or bad?

Europe's Economy


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