Thursday, December 07, 2006

Birds Song affected by Urbanization

Research done recently found that birds changed their song in order to suite city life better. This study is the first of its kind to be completed (it compares the birds of one species living in cities with the same species of bird in the wilderness. This particular species was studied in ten major cities across Europe and the researchers were surprised at the consistency that appeared in every one.

The birds changed their songs in order to be heard above the buzz of the city. The birds in the city sang their song faster than those living in the forest, and they eliminated the low-pitched parts of the song. Because these parts of the song are hard to hear above traffic noise, it is a waste of time and energy for the birds to sing them.

It is Darwinism at its finest. Because male birds use their song to attract a mate and reproduce, the birds that changed their song to be heard better survived and passed on this new song. With this natural selection process, the scientists say that this may eventually lead to the city dwellers and the forest birds to evolve into 2 separate species. It is known that not many birds thrive in urban settings, but with this information found scientists are able to learn more about this process and other ways urbanization affects birds.


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