Friday, December 01, 2006

Global Temperature Changes Causing Extinction Already

I read a very interesting article on National Geographic' s website about how climate changes (as Mrs. Hartman would say...not global warming :]) are affecting our animal population. Here are some of the highlights.

No matter where they look, scientists are finding that global warming is already killing many species, and at a much faster rate then predicted. "What surprises me most is that it has happened so soon," said biologist Camille Parmesan of the University of Texas, Austin. Many scientist hadn't expected to see extinitions from global temperature changes until 2020. But according to the article many populations of frog, But populations of frogs, butterflies, ocean corals, and polar birds have already gone extinct because of the climate changes. Plants and animals that live only in narrow temperature ranges and those living in cold climates are the species who are suffering the most as of right now. "The scale now is so vast that you cannot continue to ignore climate change," said Bill Fraser, who began studying penguins in the Antarctic more than 30 years ago. "It is going to have some severe consequences."

It is frightening to know that climate changes have changed so dramatically, that it is already affecting the animal and plant populations. Scientist predicted that these problems would not occur for the next 13 years or so. To know that they are already starting is scary. There are many things we can do to help reduce these dramatic climate changes such as, using less heat and air conditioning, drive less and drive smart, buy energy efficient products, and encouraging others to conserve. There are many more things you can do besides the ones I have listed and if you would like to know more, I found this website on more things you can do.


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