Friday, December 01, 2006

Labenese Prime Minister Speaks!

There will be NO coup in Lebanon on Friday (Today). There was an attempted rally planned by the Hezbollah which is clearly not happening. "Enough conflicts, enough assassinations, enough tragedies," said Siniora, promising that his government would "uphold the Lebanese flag." The Hezbollah leader was making an attempt to basically dismember and prove the Lebanese government wrong in the rally he ultimately planned.
The Hezbollah is a miltant group that is considered terrosits to the US and Israel.. They believe in everything we talked about in the last chapter about the Islamic religion, while some in this group take it to the extreme. The Hezbollah leader believes the only way to peace is national unity and that his government can provide that.

The Lebanese parliment is equally divided between CHRISTIANS and MUSLIMS, Im trying to figure out how there viewpoints can come together to create laws, anyone have any ideas?


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