Sunday, February 12, 2006

Avian Flu is a Coming for You!

Avian flu is spreading and there is no doubt about it. Though there has already been tons of Avian flu blogs, this one, I believe, pretty much sums up what is going on. This viral strain has gone form only a few forms to having been found in many forms, the most popular being H5N1 which caused most of the cases in China. It started out as a minor story but know the flu is growing toward an almost epidemic stage.

In 2003 there was only 3 reported deaths internationally.

In 2004 32 deaths for the year.

In 2005 41 deathes for the year.

And now, already in the first month and a half of 2006, 12 deaths.

It's a growing child, and it's going to deck a lot of people before we see the end of it. Scientists speculate that, in a worst cast scenario, 150 million deaths will be ravaged by the avian flu. Others argue it's just a small run through. This avian flu could end up to be like the 1918 epidemic, which killed some 50-100 million people, or the Swine flu that all your parents probably remeber getting inaculated for, yet that flu supposedly only killed one person. Is this all a scare, or the real deal?

You decide!

Here are some links and then and now avian flu maps THEN NOW


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