Sunday, February 19, 2006

READ MY POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok. So, recently an offensive picture of Muhammed has been published in a Danish newspaper. Well, this really caught fire to a bunch of Muslims and, in summary, they are mad. However, their reactions in Paris and and Denmark have been quite striking to me. I mean, we have Jesus featured in South Park and Family Guy shooting up villians and doing everything Jesus really is not. But are we getting up screaming and yelling? Not really. Most Christians seem quite calm and collected. Perhaps Muslims are much more sensitive about Muhammed, and that is perfectly natural. But we too are senstive when they cut off our friend's and famliy's heads right in front of a camera. And yet still, are Americans beating the living hell out of Muslims, ravaging the streets for vengenace. No...Are we flipping their cars over in the streets? No...Are we burning their stores, parading around their offices? No, no, and Plus, like America, the Danish have every right to publish whatever they want. It's a free country! Freedom of speech! So why the reaction? Why Muslims, why are you all so very very mad?
However, their is a supposed answer and counterpoint. Muslims, apart from all other religions, are probably the most alienated from Westren civilization. Like yesterday's communists, Muslims are facing increasing amounts of pressure from prejudice. In a way, from what I get out of it, they feel a need to strike back from all the oppression. And, with anyone, this is perfectly natural. But Muslims, the violent ones at least, must realize that the answer to striking out is not through violence. There are other ways then burning up Paris or arguing against a law that has been written in stone (freedom of speech).

Do you agree. OR DO YOU DARE TO DISAGREE!!!!!(loud booming voice)


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