Saturday, March 11, 2006

Death of Milosevic

Former Yugolav president, Slobodan Milosevic was found dead this morning in his prison cell. He was being faced with war crimes. According to CNN "Milosevic faced 66 charges, including those of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed during the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s". The U.N. war crimes tribunal was holding him for these crimes but he plead not guilty. He said he was "not responsible for ordering killings and rapes". The cause of his death is not know yet; the autopsy will be tomorrow, but there are several proposed reasons for his death. His family think it was the tribunal's fault completely for his death, while his lawyer said that his client said that there had been attempts to poison him while he was in prison. Milosevic was not in the best health and had high blood pressure. Doctors suggested that he have treatment and take a break. He wanted to go back to Russuia, but the UN wwould not allow it. An observer said that he appeared fine his last days, but his counsel said his voice was more hoarse and he complained of headaches. It's hard to say who's right, but it is a good example of how glabalization has its downfalls too. It causes conflicts and it's a question of how this event will affect the UN's reputation. The UN in my mind is a huge part of political gloabization and this event's results will make an impact on a lot of people.


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