Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Norms of European Countries

I remembered this interesting site from Sociology class, a while back. It displays different facts about what's considered "acceptable" behavior in a variety of countries. It also gives you tips on how to avoid making a fool out of yourself if you visit that country. You'd be amazed at what's appropriate and inappropriate in Europe. Here's a few ideas I thought were pretty unique....
Italy--Italians are known for using the most body language of all European nations.
Germany--Do not give pointed objects (gifts) like knives, scissors, umbrellas (considered unlucky).
UK--Never try to sound British or mimic their accent. Also,
Humor is ever-present in English life. It is often self-deprecating, ribbing, sarcastic, sexist or racist. Try not to take offense.
Russia--Do not expect to find smoke-free areas anywhere. A standard joke among foreign businesspeople in Russia is that Russian buildings have two sections: "smoking" and "chain-smoking."
*Check out different countries. When finished, click on "The United States." I thought it was really funny what advice foreigners would recieve about us.


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