Thursday, September 28, 2006

School Shooting Continued

On my last post, I left off with a possible reason why the number of school shootings has been up in the recent years. In this entry I would like to expand on that topic a little more. I had mentioned that society may be causing unstable people to become even more alone, depressed, or angry. I feel that now more than ever, society tends to give the "popular" people everything that they want, while the not so "popular" people are left alone and are not given much thought to. I don't really think that people are much more mean to these lesser known kids than before, however, I think that some people just get left alone. Many times people don't talk to a person that may be down because they just do not want to deal with a person's problems that they do not even know. It seems like someone who is just left alone would not feel as bad as a person who is picked on every day, however I think the truth is that it can often times be worse. It causes the person to think that they are "too weird" to be friends with, or not good enough to deserve attention. However, one thing that I am glad to see is that more and more people from different "groups" seem to be mixing with people from other "groups." Don't get me wrong there are still way too many "cliques" out there, but it seems like that number is going down, and I sure hope it continues to do so.


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