Tuesday, November 28, 2006

20,000 Turks Protest the Pope

Many youths are protesting the visit of the Pope because they believed that in the past he said something to offend Islam. Many youths wore headbands, beat drums, and waved flags chanting "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest), this protest though was quite peaceful.

One individual believed that they elected the Pope because he is against Islam and they are afraid if Islam spreading in Europe. The Pope quoted a saying that said that Islam is violent and irrational but he said he did not share that view. Islamic individuals believed he insulted Muhammed and that greatly offended them. To try and reconcile with the Islamic people he visited for four days and then went to the Blue Mosque in Turkey.

The Pope also offended the Turkish people last year when they wanted to join the European Union but he said they couldn't due to their culture and religion.

I can't believe that the Pope would criticize another religion. Catholics and Islamics share some beliefs such as having only one God but do disagree on the prophets and such. I don't believe that is right for the Pope to downgrade another religion just because he is the Pope. All religions should deserve equal and adequate respect.


At Thursday, November 30, 2006 5:24:00 PM, Blogger Veritas said...

I don't know, things can be taken out of context, and people make mistakes, so as Oceanic.Geography said, I can't really say anything for or against him.

Strik3r...You know, I've read several of your posts and have also replied to you. I noticed that you really have generalized views. You aren't seeing Islam, you are seeing politically driven, violent people who are hiding under the cover of Islam. Unfortunately, I can't blame you for your bias, because you can't see the real religion. I would suggest that you read about it, but you've never replied to any of my comments, and I doubt you read them.

"if all religions (most popular) declare that their god is the one and only god, then how can their be a god?"

Well, that's easy to answer. If you believe in one religion, then there you go, you believe in your god and no other. Now, if you believe in all Gods, that's where your question would be relevant.

Oh, by the way, I am not a baby! >.< haha, I can't believe you said that. It's amazing that you can say that. Anyone would be upset if you insulted their religion, that's how it should be. And, not all people get upset, they realize others misunderstandings, and calmly explain their beliefs. It's really unfortunate that you have such a horrible misconception of Muslims. If I felt the same way about Christians, Jews or anyone else, I wouldn't be missing out on some amazing people.


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