Sunday, March 12, 2006

AIDS in Africa

We all are aware of the large amount of people who are infected with HIV/AIDS in Africa. The two websites that I found are both interactive and quite interesting. - This shows the amount of people in each area infected with this deadly disease. The numbers are going to astound you. South Africa has the most people infected. About 20% of adults living here have it and around 250,000 of them die each year in this area alone. The next has a bunch of photographs. If you just have to put your pointer over the pictures and each comes with a caption. It is unfortunate that Africa is not as educated as they should be. However it is virtually impossible to stop this spread without some sort of medicine that can prevent it.


At Sunday, March 12, 2006 9:36:00 PM, Blogger Kevin Hurd said...

I think one thing that we really should focus on doing is providing education to African people to help stop the spread of this disease. Of course this isn't easy because parts of Africa are so spread out and the comprehension of the disease and some of the people may not register on the same level. However, if we can figure out a way to educate people in Africa more on the disease it would be very helpful. Perhaps sending many educators to different areas of Africa who would be willing to go.


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