Saturday, April 15, 2006


I have been researching OPEC lately to prepare for my next paper and I found the home website of OPEC to be very interesting. It features the latest reports, announcements, speeches, publications, meetings, and general information about the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. I found this site interesting because this organization directly affects anyone who owns a car that runs on gas. Overall, I think that it is important that we know more about the petroleum industry since rising demands and prices will greatly affect all of us in the future.


At Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:32:00 PM, Blogger Mrs Hartman said...

Good comments. One thought that usually gets left out of the discussion though is the wider impact that petroleum has on our lives. There is likely very little that you use or comsume that hasn't been touched by petroleum in some way. It is used for plastics, planting crops, pesticides and fertilizers, manufacture and/or distribution of all consumer goods, production of pharmacueticals, national defense; the list really is endless. Energy usage is only the tip of the iceberg.

At Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:46:00 PM, Blogger Kevin Hurd said...

This website is really helpful in providing the basic information about OPEC. I too share the feelings of blogger 24 in that we do need to decrease our dependency of oil on the Middle East. We were talking about gas prices in College Geo and Personal Finance, and how this summer gas should hit the $3 mark once again. If we can get that alternative energy source to become a reality in the near future we can begin to reduce our dependency on the Middle East. At first maybe it will cost more to go this route, but as time goes on I think we'll see cheaper prices through alternative sources, plus we won't have to make a political agenda that involves so much of the Middle East involvement.


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