Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Japan's Amazing Mobile Phones

This chapter, I read that Japan is very innovative and is a leader in high-tech fields. This article definitely reinforces these ideas. It discribes how technology and cell phones are advancing in Japan. "With cellular phone in hand, Japanese consumers can purchase from vending machines, buy train tickets, order a bowl of noodles, trade stock, bid at online auctions and change channels on a TV set." One of the most clever ideas with the phones is their security feature. "Once a child returns from school and flashes the phone over a reader, the phone opens the door and automatically sends an e-mail to the parent reporting his or her arrival (kind of like a house key but way better:))." I also think that it's so cool that you can walk up to a concert poster and point your phone at the barcode. It will immediately take you to the internet where you can find out about available seats and ticket prices. The same goes for purchasing items from a magazine. Overall, it seems like people are always looking for ways to improve technology and add more convenience to our lives. This moblie phone industry is so successful in Japan, with 70% of the population owning one. With such revolutionary features, these mobile phones are just another example of the building technology in our world today.
Check out this article. It's pretty interesting.


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