Saturday, September 30, 2006

Keeping them Out

I just recently found a very interesting article that deals closely with the material that we have covered or are coving in class. This article talks about the decision made by Congress to put up a fence streching about 700 miles on the border between the United States and Mexico. This article covers many items of importance that were discussed in class like immigration, and cooperation between different countries that are forced to work and coexist with each other.

In this article it shows that Congress's decision was not supported by all of its members. I think that the building of this wall will receive the same sentiments from the nation. I think that a lot of people in the United States will support this decision for a few different reasons. Many feel that immigrants should have to go through the legal process of becoming a citizen instead of just sneaking across the border. Another problem that a lot of people have with the number of illegal immigrants from Mexico is that they believe that the illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from legal American citizens. Illegal immigrants will work for a smaller amount of money and do much more manual labor, and they are usually less prone to complain about working conditions and benefits.

On the other hand many are very angry about this, because many have came to the United States as immigrants either legal or illegal. They believe that they should have the choice to come to the U.S. and try and make a better life for themselves and their families. I think that this choice to build a fence will cause many protests and possibly riots, like the one San Diego that happened in when a lot of immigrants decided to protest the restrictions on immigration.

I really am not sure how I feel about this border issue, because I feel torn. I think that immigrants should have to enter the country legally, but I think that people should be able to try and improve their lives if they do it legally. I also am not sure if this type of solution will be successful. I think that if immigrants really want to come into the United States that a strech of 700 mile fence will not keep them out and they will find another way in. I am glad that our country is trying to resolve an issue that has been a hot topic for quite some time, but I am not sure if I think that this is the best way to go about it. I would love to hear other opinions on the topic.

Fence Article


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