Friday, September 29, 2006

Monticello Nuclear Power Plant Gets Approval to Add an Above Ground Nuclear Disposal Site

It took only an hour for Xcel Energy to get the approval for an above ground disposal site for its nuclear waste. Monticello's containment pool is nearly full, and the only place left to go is to put the spent fuel rods into giant containers, and put them in an above ground containment area. While past meetings have been relatively controvercial, this meeting went rather smoothley, and the rulling will become permanent in June if lawmakers do not do anything. One of the main reasons that the disposal was approved was because it was felt that the plant must remain operating in order to keep providing inexpensive and clean energy. I could not agree with this more. In chemistry, we are learning about nuclear energy, and in my opinion, it is the best way to go. I found that most of the dangers that you hear about nuclear energy, is either a far stretched truth, or just a myth all together. I believe that nuclear is the cleanest way to make energy, even when you take into consideration, the disposal of nuclear waste. I also think that instead of cutting emissions, the U.S. should invest in making all of the nation's large transportation industries (ships, planes, buses, etc.) nuclear powered, and not worry about having to come out with sopisticated new ideas for the general public. This would be an extremely good start on reducing air pollution, and I think that the approval for Monticello was also a very good step towards reducing greenhouse gases.


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