Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thai army chiefs declare leadership

Ok, how's this for power dispute?

The army, air force, and navy leaders stated that they were taking over command of the country,
while the Prime Minister was away in a UN meeting. The "leaders" are being led by army chief General Sonthi Boonyaratkalin (say that 5 time fast), and from the sound of things, the has been no violence, and Thailand's king has not been threatened in any way. Sonthi has declared himself acting PM, has declared marital law, and has delcared Wed. a national holiday. This is the 18th coup in Thailand since WWII. The cause isn't exactly clear, but CNN does have a guess: the coup is to get rid of the current Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, who was accused by opponents of abusing the country's system of checks and balances and bending government policy to benefit his family's business."

Kicking a corrupt leader out of office is perfectly acceptable; after all, it's the basis of the Revolutionary War and the way we can assure ourselves that quality people run the country. But, personally, I would've at least waited untill the guy came home from the UN before chewing him out about his supposed lousy performance. Attacking while he's gone talking to a council made up of several other countries isn't the best way to start off a new government. We'll just have to wait and see how this ends. Judging from the lack of resistance by the people, I'd say Thaksin's out of a job.


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