Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How the Pope's PR Machinery Failed


I just finished an article about the Pope Benedict's XVI speech last Tuesday, September 12th, 2006. It occurred at his old university in Bavaria. His speech was given and was brought up with many provocactive and out of line words directed at the Muslim population.
He used an excerpt from the Byzantine Emperor "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as a command to spread by the sword the faith, he preached." There was a huge outbreak with the Muslim people causing riots and retaliation against his words. He later said that he did not agree with the Emperor and that he respects Muslims.
Personally, I have a few mixed thought on the whole situation. I think that the pope was mistaken when speaking of those words and should have thought more about what he was saying. He said that quote without his own thoughts on the subject and that allowed many people to bring it out of context. One of his associates said that he didn't have any of the top collaborators check it over. He thought that because he was going to his old university where he once taught Theology in the 1970's that he would be able to handle it.
Someone with that high of authority should not be able to make mistakes such as those with merely forgetting to mention he disagreed with the quote. From now on he will be getting a lot more help and assistance on his speeches and public speaking which I think is a great idea.


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