Saturday, December 02, 2006

Spy Falls dead from Radiation

British police are fine picking videos and back tracking the foot steps of a former Russian spy after falling deathly ill. Officials state that the spy had potent levels of polonium-210. They found this radiation in his urine, how it got there is unknown. After tracing the radiation, it has been found on airplanes he traveled on and in restraints he ate in. They are trying to find out if he was in contact with anyone that could have wanted to have him dead. People in close contact with the former Russian Spy have been asked to be checked for radiation from Alexander Litvinenko. Alexander Litvinenko did not survive the radiation. Many people have different speculations upon the reasoning of his death. How does one obtain this type of deadly radiation, slip it into someone’s body and go on their marry way, IN LONDON!!!!!!! If an average Joe can do that what can a terrorist group do???


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