Saturday, April 22, 2006

Europe Fun Facts

I decided that we needed some new things to post on, but I could not seem to find an intersting topic from the notes that was not already talked about. Since we are studying Europe in College Geo I decided to find several different sites that just have fun or interesting information about Europe and the surrounding region. I learned that there are three different Euros that all look different. One of the other many funny things I found out on the sites is that during the 1500's in Europe, showers were not taken regularily. One shower was always taken in May, and so everybody wanted to get married in June so they would still smell good. If the plan didn't work they carried flowers to dround out the smell. This is where carrying flowers on your wedding day came about. Crazy! If you are interested in learning any other funny information I would encourage you to go to the posted sites. Euro Facts Turkey Fun Facts Europe Fun Facts


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