Sunday, April 16, 2006

Iran Training 40,000 Suicide Bombers

When watching KARE 11 News this evening, a short bit was mentioned that Iran is currently training 40,000 suicide bombers to be at the ready to attack in the United States or Britain, should the United States choose to go after Iran regarding issues surrounding wrong use of nuclear energy. I think this is very scary because Iran is an issue that is large on the United States political agenda, and this kind of information is something that one may be concerned about. The United States is still deciding on how to tackle the issue of Iran and information such as this would cause uneasiness in making decisions. This issue is a global issue because it's effects stretch beyond the United States and Britain. If the United States were to go into Iran I think we would see a greater global support because the issue of Iran is one that is clear and would be recognized by more countries.


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