Sunday, April 23, 2006

Getting rid of the past

This is actually old news, but I remeber it ever since finding that Nazi shaped building on Google Earth. A while back, a plane was going over the German wood during the fall season and happened to see a yellow swastika from the air. Turns out, in 1938, this infamous symbol was planted in commemerence with Htiler's birthday at the time. They have been trying to get rid of the certain yellow leaf tree but it keeps popping up. In my personal opinion I find this site almost historical and should be kept intact. But, I guess Germany would like to forget that age back in the forties. This news is from 1992, so i don't know if they've permenately removed it or not. But if they hadn't? Should this be kept as a global and historical notice for the world to see?


At Sunday, April 23, 2006 11:29:00 PM, Blogger Kevin Hurd said...

The time in Germany's history of Hitler's rule is a scary one and should be forgotton. I agree to the extent that it's important to preserve historical items and also to remember and study history of events such as the Holocaust despite it's negative impact. However, I do believe the symbol should be removed from the building because times have changed and this is something in Germany's past that needs not to be part of the world today. Imagine if a dictator like Hitler had taken over the United States and today a building with a similar was still standing. Many people in the United States would be strongly opposed to the building and no doubt the sign would come down right away. I have a feeling the response is similar in Germany.


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